My Care Record – joining up information to deliver better care across Bedfordshire, Luton & Milton Keynes

We are joining health and care organisations across BLMK to implement a new approach called My Care Record.

My Care Record is an approach to improving care by joining up health and care information. Wherever possible, health and care professionals will be able to access your records from other services when it is needed for your care. For example, a hospital-based doctor or a community nurse could view information from your GP record.

Dr. Paul Singer, Luton GP and Chief Clinical Information Officer for BLMK Integrated Care System explains:

“We know that when information is made available in a more joined-up way, we can provide faster, more effective care. Over time My Care Record will mean that individuals don’t need to keep repeating their stories. The right professional at the right time will have access to the information they need such as test results and medication to make decisions about treatment and care.

“The Coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the need to work together across services to deliver care, often from different locations. My Care Record is a key tool for making this happen.”

Several different secure computer systems are used across the region. In some areas these are already in place, in other areas more work is underway to invest in the technology needed. The approach also provides an agreement between all the health and care organisations involved. In line with GDPR, this means they commit to sharing information in a secure way to help improve care. 

Health and care professionals may access records from different services to improve the overall care an individual receives. Certain information – that doesn’t identify the individual – will also be used to help improve services and plan for the future. For example, it will help us plan for the number of doctors, nurses, and care workers needed in thefuture.

Individuals who do not wish for their information to be shared can speak to the person delivering care at each organisation such as their GP, specialist, or social worker.

Please visit for more information including a list of the organisations involved.